Ok... so ya just ordered and you need to login.
our system is automatic for most of our programs most of the time.
but sometimes computers just dont do what we want them to do... so heres how to fix it.
1. wait 45 minutes and see if you get the welcome emails... check your spam box your out box, in box, side box, and every other box you can think of... it will come from affiliatemarketingdude.com server... remember it is your job to make sure you get all your emails when they come to you... we can help... but you gotta keep a keen eye ;)
2. if the email has not come within the 45 minutes do a forgot passcode request at
http://www.affiliatemarketingdude.com/login/ and see if that works... if you get a user not found message... that means i need to fix some dumb error in the system... just takes about 3 minutes and its super easy... so find us on live chat or put in a ticket here on pcmoneymaking.com
that should help... and remember you can always check
http://www.affiliatemarketingdude.com/login/ as long as you order with the same email... all products will be under the same logins to make it easy on us all.